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PoolTogether - Vesting schedule

View how POOL tokens are vested or unlocked over time for different stakeholders.

Note: this data is aggregated from the protocol’s whitepaper, docs, forum posts, and/or core contributors (i.e. not on-chain data).

Daily vesting schedule since launch.

AllocationToken amountDescription
Users500,000Distributed to the users of the protocol between the 16th of February 2021 and the 25th of May 2021.
Treasury5,754,000Fully unlocked on the 16th of February 2021. The team / governance decides the exact distribution schedule.
Airdrop1,400,000Fully unlocked on the 16th of February 2021.
Team & Contributors1,244,000Fully unlocked on the 16th of February 2022. One year lock-up period between the 16th of February 2021 and the 16th of February 2022.
Investors752,000Fully unlocked on the 16th of February 2022. One year lock-up period between the 16th of February 2021 and the 16th of February 2022.
New user education250,000Fully unlocked on the 16th of February 2021. The team / governance decides the exact distribution schedule.
Voters100,000Fully unlocked on the 16th of February 2021. Distributed to addresses that voted in the first two snapshot governance votes AND held a PoolTogether deposit at the time of voting.
Total10,000,000Total supply of POOL.